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At Petrodex, risk management and compliance are foundational to our sustained success and resilience in the energy sector. In an industry marked by market volatility and stringent regulatory frameworks, our commitment to effective risk management and adherence to compliance standards is crucial.

Market Price Risk

Price risk tools are deployed to ensure that we navigate price fluctuations and market uncertainties. We employ various strategies to address this risk effectively:


Utilizing futures contracts, swaps, and options to stabilize revenue streams and protect against adverse price movements.


Balancing exposure across various oil products, geographical markets, and contract durations to mitigate single-market vulnerabilities.

Market Intelligence

Leveraging detailed market analysis and real-time information to inform trading decisions and anticipate price trends.

Credit Risk

Our approach to managing credit risk includes:

Credit Assessment

Evaluating potential counterparties' creditworthiness through financial health assessments, market reputation, and credit history.

Clear Credit Terms

Defining transparent payment terms, credit limits, and collateral requirements in contractual agreements.

Diverse Counterparties

Engaging with multiple counterparties to distribute credit risk.

Mitigation Tools

Using letters of credit, bank guarantees, and insurance coverage to manage credit risk effectively.

Ongoing Review

Regularly updating credit risk management strategies to align with industry best practices.

Foreign Exchange Risk

Foreign exchange (forex) risk arises due to currency fluctuations, which can significantly impact the profitability of international transactions. We manage forex risk through:

  • Currency Hedging: Using forward contracts and currency options to shield against adverse exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Netting and Clearing: Centralizing transactions to reduce overall forex exposure.
  • Cash Flow Management: Maintaining effective cash flow practices for timely currency conversions and minimizing forex risk

Key Compliance Measures

Regulatory Knowledge

Staying updated with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

Internal Controls

Establishing robust control systems for transaction reporting, record-keeping, and data protection.

Audit and Review

Performing regular internal and external audits to identify and address compliance issues.

Software Utilization

Using “World Check” for monitoring and managing financial, regulatory, and reputational risks, with automated notifications for changes in partner status.

ESG Commitment

Petrodex is dedicated to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, which include:

  • Health & Safety: Ensuring the safety of our operations, clients, employees, contractors, and communities.
  • Environment: Minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.
  • Social: Contributing positively to the communities where we operate and respecting human rights throughout our supply chain.
  • Governance: Upholding high standards of transparency, corporate governance, and combating bribery and corruption.

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